Snacking Smarter for Spring & Summer

Many of us overindulge throughout winter, and then we quickly approach the festive season where many temptations arise. So, we are here to help with snacking smarter through spring and summer. Because whether you’re spending time at home, out and about with the family, at work or enjoying time with friends, there’s no doubt that your choice of snacks can affect your appetite, mood and energy. 

What is ‘snacking smart’?

A ‘smart snack’ is one that’s a good source of protein or good fats. They will keep your blood sugar levels steady and release slow burning energy. 

By snacking smarter, you are less likely to reach for something unhealthy or hit the 3 pm slump. 

Snack preparation is key

When snacking smarter, you need to prepare. Leaving it until you’re feeling peckish is almost always too late, and the biscuit tin will start to look like the best option in your pantry.

Think about what snacks you need when you do your Market shop and prepare them the evening before, or in the morning if you can. If you’re out and about with no pre-made snacks, you’re more likely to grab a chocolate bar or unhealthy alternative from the shops.

Portion control and take your time with snacks

Just because your snacks are healthier, it doesn’t mean portion sizes should be large. A snack should approximately fit in the palm of your hand. 

Make the most of your snack and enjoy every piece. Try to allocate 10 minutes to snack smarter without distractions like the TV, phone, or conversation. You’re less likely to register that you have actually had a snack and feel hungry soon after.

Avoid processed snacks

Stay away from pre-packaged, processed snacks with preservatives, and likely artificial colours and flavours. Go for more natural products.

So, what snacks are best for snacking smarter during spring and summer?

  • Nuts and seeds are great and easy snacks to have on hand. If you’re heading out of the house, put a portioned snack of them in a small-reusable container. You shouldn’t eat more than 25 grams of nuts at a time as they are high in calories, but their unsaturated fats make them a healthier option. Add small amounts of dried fruits and dark choc chips to your nuts and seeds to create your own trail mix.
  • Hummus or guacamole. These dips are good for you due to their high protein and fibre. They are great to combine with seasonal vegetables such as carrots, cucumber and sugar snap peas to satisfy your hunger and leave you feeling fuller for longer.
  • Seasonal fruit. Fresh fruit salads not only taste great, but the vibrant colours will brighten up your morning. As fruit is high in calories and fructose, don’t overdo it with a large portion. Spring and summer fruits include mangoes, apricots, rockmelon, limes, grapefruit, papaya, cherries and much more. 
  • Small cubes of cheese are a great dairy snack and can be eaten with a small portion of fruit, like grapes or strawberries.

How to store snacks

Snacks such as nuts and seeds will last months when stored in an airtight container in the pantry, and even longer in the fridge. 

Keep fruit and veg in the fridge or in a cool, dark place to retain freshness.

Dips, once opened, will last 1-2 days in an airtight container in the fridge.

Reusable, airtight containers will become your best friend when snacking smarter. Use larger sizes to store products and produce at home, and smaller containers for your bag. You can find a great selection at Shop Neutral in Harvest Hall. Simply give the team a call to place an order for pick-up from their store.

Where do I find snacks at the Market?

Stock up on nuts, seeds and dried fruit from 53 Degrees East and The Sweet & Nut Shop, browse a wide range of fresh fruit and veg from our Harvest Hall Traders, and enjoy tasty dips and cheeses from our delis. See our full list of Traders here.

And if you need a little help with choosing in-season produce, check out our handy seasonality tool here.

We hope that with these tips you stay motivated to eat healthier and snack smarter during the warmer months, no matter where or how you’re spending your days. 

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