Rescuing food waste since 2005

Did you know Prahran Market was the very first organisation to donate to SecondBite – 14 years ago?

Our traders sell the very best fresh produce, and nobody wants that wasted.

With that in mind, we realised a food waste solution was needed, very early on.

And with SecondBite’s mission to provide access to fresh, nutritious food for people in need across Australia, the perfect partnership was formed.

It’s an initiative that all our fresh food Traders support; in fact, the Market and its traders have donated the equivalent of over 304,000 meals since the partnership with SecondBite began!

Our partnership has eliminated literally TONNES of food waste.

How does the partnership work?

Sundays, at close-of-business, the SecondBite volunteers pull into our loading dock in their repurposed van and visit our Traders, taking away any leftover stock.

This stock includes fresh fruit, vegetables, meat, fish, cheese and baked goods.

The volunteers sort the collection and deliver it to Uniting Prahran, a local charity. Uniting Prahran offers food programs and emergency relief services to those experiencing poverty, homelessness and economic disadvantage within our community.

It’s a partnership that we highly value and one that we will continue for many years to come.

Ensuring that good food does not go to waste, but helps those who need it most, is paramount!

Some food waste facts and figures:

  • Every year, Australia wastes approximately 5.3 million tonnes of food; from farms to manufacturers to retailers to businesses and households¹.  
  • Food insecurity occurs when people lack access to enough amounts of fresh, nutritious and appropriate food. Of those households experiencing food insecurity in Australia, 25% are children. More than 2 in 5 of these children are aged between 5-14 years old².
  • In the course of a year, over 4 million people experience food insecurity in Australia (that’s 18% of the population).

¹ Statistic from Department of Environment & Energy – Australian National Waste Report 2016

² Statistics from Foodbank Hunger Report 2018

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