Plum and vanilla yoghurt muffins

Recipe by Joanne Feehan- Second Helping

Using yoghurt in muffins keeps them super moist and delicious.

  • 250gm SR Flour
  • 100gm Caster sugar
  • 50gm Brown sugar
  • 200ml Organic vanilla yoghurt
  • 60gm Pepesaya butter, melted then cooled
  • 1 Egg, lightly whisked
  • 100gm Angelina and Blood Plums – stones removed
  1. Pre heat your over to 180°C and line a ½ cup capacity muffin tin with paper cases.
  2. Mix all the dry ingredients in a large bowl
  3. Mix all the wet ingredients in a smaller bowl, then add to the dry mixture combining well.
  4. Slice the plums into wedges, keep 12 slices aside then stir the rest into the muffin mixture.
  5. Fill the muffin cases equally and press a slice of plum on top of each.
  6. Bake in the oven for 10 – 15 minutes. Exactly how long will depend on your oven.
  7. Remove your plum and vanilla yoghurt muffins and allow to cool.

Using yoghurt in muffins keeps them super moist and delicious. The two varieties of plum in these muffins add colour and dual flavour hits of one of my favourite stone fruit

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