Famous Aussie Pavlova

Recipe by Tobie Puttock

Perfect dessert for a hot Christmas day!

  • For the meringue:
  • 4 egg whites
  • 250g caster sugar
  • 1 tsp white wine vinegar
  • 1 tsp cornflour or cornstarch
  • 1 tsp organic vanilla extract
  • For the cream:
  • 300ml pouring cream
  • 1 tbsp icing sugar
  • For the berries:
  • 700g berries (I use 500g strawberries, 100g blueberries, 100g raspberries)
  • 2 tbsp icing sugar
  1. To start your famous Aussie pavlova, pre-heat the oven to 150C.
  2. Flip a dinner plate upside down onto baking paper and use a pencil to trace around the perimeter of the plate.
  3. Pop the egg whites into the bowl of an electric stand mixer and beat with a whisk attachment (this can also be done by hand) until stiff peaks have formed.
  4. Add the caster sugar in a little at a time, mixing in between each addition of sugar. Once all the sugar has been added, you can add the vinegar, corn flour, and the vanilla, then mix to combine.
  5. Flip the baking paper you used to trace the plate upside down onto a large baking tray and spoon the meringue inside the circle, creating a dip or crater in the middle of the meringue – this will be for the cream and berries once ready.
  6. Put the tray into the preheated oven for one hour. Turn the oven off and allow the meringue to cool completely in the oven before proceeding – this step can be done the day before if preferred.
  7. Halve the strawberries and pop a good handful into the bowl of a food processor with the 2 tablespoons of icing sugar. Blitz to a puree and then pass through a strainer, discarding any seeds.
  8. Add the remaining strawberries and any other berries into the bowl with the strained out berry mixture and carefully fold together.
  9. Whip the cream with the remaining icing sugar until you have stiff peaks.
  10. To assemble your Aussie pavlova, spoon the whipped cream into the crater of the now cooled Pavlova. Spoon the berries on top of the cream and pour any remaining juices over the top to decorate.

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