We're now smoke-free

Recent changes to the Tobacco Act mean that smoking is banned in outdoor dining and drinking areas throughout Victoria from Tuesday, August 1.

This meants that all of Market Square and the first floor mezzanine level will be smoke-free along with the rest of the Market.

Under the legislation, the definition of an outdoor dining area is a public area where the occupier (PM) permits the consumption of food on a commercial basis, e.g. footpath dining, food fairs, courtyards, balconies, food courts with multiple take away outlets and beer gardens.

New signage will be placed in Market square, the mezzanine and other areas around the Market to advise customers of the changes. The Act also includes penalties for both smokers and business owners that do not adhere to the new smoking bans.

We thank everybody for helping to make Prahran Market smoke-free.



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