Poulterer’s Secrets to the Perfect Roast: Pt 1

There’s nothing better than a delicious roast with all the trimmings, but for some of us roasts aren’t always the easiest thing to get right. We approached our expert poultry Traders to find out their secrets when it comes to roasting, and rounded up a few hints and tips you can try at home.

From how to store your bird to prep work and, of course, cooking, our Traders recommendations will ensure you get the perfect roast every time.

D & J Poultry

Stella at D & J Poultry recommends removing the chicken from the bag when you get home from the Market, gently washing it with cold water and then storing it in the fridge on a plate covered in glad wrap.

“When buying poultry for a roast, I always like to choose portions with bones to ensure my roast is juicy and doesn’t dry out. If you don’t like portions with bones, adding chicken stock can really help maintain the juiciness and flavour,” Stella says.

Stella recommends preparing your roast by seasoning the chicken with salt and pepper. Then, combine honey, lemon and garlic in a bowl and brush half the mixture on top of the chicken. Put a slice of lemon on the chicken or on each Maryland and place it in a pre-heated oven at 180 degrees. After around 10-15 minutes brush the remaining mixture onto the chicken.

It takes approximately 40 minutes per kilo for a whole roast chicken to cook. Stella likes to baste her roast around every 30 minutes to ensure the chicken doesn’t dry out.

“If you notice there’s not enough juice to baste with or your roast appears a little dry, which can sometimes happen with boneless cuts, adding chicken stock or water can help to maintain the moisture,” Stella advises.

Leaving the chicken to rest for 10-15 minutes after cooking will keep the roast juicy.

And what does Stella like to cook when roasting at home?

“A classic whole roast chicken is always nice this time of year and it gives a range of portion options for the whole family. Roast chicken Maryland is also great, as they’re already portioned, full of flavour and remain juicy when roasted.

“I like to serve my roast with oven-baked potatoes cooked in duck fat and seasoned with lemon juice, oregano salt and pepper. It’s simple and easy but very tasty.”


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