How to: Parmesan Tuiles

Thought about making them, but weren’t sure how? Trust us! These cheesy crunchy discs of goodness are simple to make and take no time at all.   Tune in below for the easiest Parmesan Tuiles recipe ever, as demonstrated by Alice in Frames!


Parmesan Tuiles recipe:

What you need:

  • good quality Parmesan cheese- there’s no other ingredients in these, so the quality is paramount as it’s the only thing you’ll taste!
  • a micro-plane
  • an oven tray lined with grease-proof paper
  • an oven preheated to 180 degrees


  1. Micro-plane as much Parmesan cheese as you want- about one table spoon will create one tuile
  2. Spoon micro-planed cheese into round piles on your baking tray lined with greaseproof paper.  Make sure you leave a bit of space around each one as they’ll expand in size as they melt.
  3. Pop into the preheated oven.
  4. Depending on your oven, this could take between 8 and 12 minutes.  Keep an eye on them though- as soon as they’re golden, they’re done!

Now while ours are super simple and easy to make, we’re also quite fond of this video featuring Martha Stewart! She does hers on a stovetop and pops them into a delicious salad.

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