Oyster dressing – Video how-to

Oyster dressing in a flash

Oysters, you either love them or you hate them.  We here at the Market absolutely love them.  Enjoy them on their own with a squeeze of lemon, or pair them with some bacon and Worcestershire sauce under the grill for Kilpatrick, or……..you can’t go wrong with this super easy oyster dressing – works every time and is the perfect entree or starter to any meal.



1.  Combine the juice of one fresh lime with some finely chopped shallots and chilli

2. Micro plane some palm sugar into the mix.

3. Give it a quick stir, check the taste and adjust where necessary – more chilli, more sugar, more lime juice – whatever your palate prefers

4. Pour over  freshly shucked oysters

5. Scatter some micro herb leaves over the top


For further inspiration on entertaining with Oysters,  check out our article all “6 ways to dress Oysters” .


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